
When the kitchen and living room are close to each other, the transfer of cooking and other odors is a concern. Here are some solutions.

Ventilation and ventilation to keep indoor air clean


Ventilation removes mold-causing dust and moisture as well as odors.

Charcoal and baking soda to remove odors


The tiny holes in the charcoal absorb the source of the odor. Baking soda also neutralizes acidity and inhibits bacteria.

use aromatherapy oils


Aroma has the roles of odor control and deodorization. Aromas also have a wide variety of other effects, so it is best to choose aromas in combination with fragrances.


Lavender] Inhibits mold growth
Lemongrass] Sterilization and insect repellant
Jasmine] Sterilization and mold prevention

Wash fabrics


Sofas are used daily, and sweat and body odors soak into them. TORES fabrics can be cleaned, so you can clean up any unwanted smells.

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